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So I came home today and found that my caterpillars weren’t moving. I was scared that maybe they had died. But I guess when they’re hanging on to the side of the cup, they’re still alive. They should be eating voraciously. What was I doing wrong?

After some research, I found that the caterpillars are getting ready to MOLT, that is, shed their skin and grow bigger. Molting happens every time caterpillars change instars, or growth stage. The dead skin comes off its tail end and looks like a piece of the caterpillar. This piece is later eaten. Typically this period of non movement lasts 24 hours.

I shouldn’t be panicked. In fact, I read that I should leave the caterpillars ALONE and NOT touch them. Doing so may cause them stress that can lead to death.

~Stephanie S.

Imagine Butterflies
